
女慕贞絜男效才良Girls should seek chastity and purity; boys aspire to talent and virtue.

作者:创始人 日期:2024-02-06 人气:185
【苏言道】女慕贞絜Nǚ mù zhēn jié,女慕貞絜男效才良nán xiào cái liáng.男效才良Girls should seek chastity and purity; boys aspire to talent and virtue.
女慕贞絜男效才良Girls should seek chastity and purity; boys aspire to talent and virtue.-采编:苏造办智慧商显15510033533

女慕贞絜Nǚ mù zhēn jié,女慕貞絜
男效才良nán xiào cái liáng.男效才良

Girls should seek chastity and purity; boys aspire to talent and virtue.

知过必改Zhī guò bì gǎi,知過必改
得能莫忘dé néng mò wàng.得能莫忘

Recognize faults you must correct; make use of the skills you possess.

罔谈彼短Wǎng tán bǐ duǎn,罔談彼短
靡恃己长mí shì jǐ cháng.靡恃己長

Do not point out the faults of others; do not waste your own abilities.

景行维贤Jǐng xíng wéi xián,景行維賢
克念作圣kè niàn zuò shèng.剋念作聖

Enlightened actions maintain worthiness; restrain yourself from too much study to become wise.

德建名立Dé jiàn míng lì,德建名立
形端表正xíng duān biǎo zhèng.形端表正

Virtue when established sets up respectability; the upright have correct appearance.

空谷传声Kōng gǔ chuán shēng,空谷傳聲
虚堂习听xū táng xí tīng.虛堂習聽

An empty valley just spreads sound; but even the most modest of halls permits study by attentive listening.

祸因恶积Huò yīn è jī,禍因惡積
福缘善庆fú yuán shàn qìng.福緣善慶

Calamity is the reward for accumulating evil; Good fortune is the just reward for benevolence.

尺璧非宝Chǐ bì fēi bǎo,尺辟非寶
寸阴是竞cùn yīn shì jìng.寸陰是競

A foot length of precious jade is not to be valued; rather struggle for just an inch of time.

资父事君Zī fù shì jūn,資父事君
曰严与敬yuē yán yǔ jìng.曰嚴與敬

Sustain your father and serve your lord; that is to say rigorously and respectfully.

孝当竭力Xiào dāng jié lì,孝當竭力
忠则尽命zhōng zé jìn mìng.忠則盡命

Devoted to parents to the utmost; loyal until the end of your life.

临深履薄Lín shēn lǚ bó,臨深履薄
夙兴温清sù xīng wēn qìng.夙興溫清

Take care when facing chasms and walking on thin ice; in the morning rise early whether warm or cold.

似兰斯馨Sì lán sī xīn,似蘭斯馨
如松之盛rú sōng zhī shèng.如松之盛

Like the orchid in fragrance; as the pine flourishes.

女慕贞絜男效才良Girls should seek chastity and purity; boys aspire to talent and virtue.-采编:苏造办智慧商显15510033533
女慕贞絜Nǚ mù zhēn jié,女慕貞絜男效才良nán xiào cái liáng.男效才良Girls should seek chastity and purity; boys aspire to talent and virtue.

